Versa: Dosage Schedule Stop
Versa Peristaltic Pumps now have the ability to stop their Dosage Schedule. By enabling the schedule stop function, you are halting your Versa's dosing until it is manually re-enabled. This is extremely helpful if you do not need to dose a particular element for a number of days, and do not want to modify your Dosage Schedule. To enable the Schedule Stop functionality, follow the steps below.
- Power on all Mobius controlled devices
- Open the Mobius app
- Select the Versa tab then select your Versa
- Select the Stop button
5. Select the Okay option to confirm your Versa Dosage Schedule has been stopped
6. Once ready to re-enable your Versa Dosage Schedule, select the Play option
Important Note: Versa Stop functionality will survive a power cycle of the Versa. Selecting the Play button is the only way to re-enable your Dosage Schedule.