What Generation Radion do I Have?
To determine the generation of Radion you have, it's best to check the serial printed on the underside of the light. The first 2 characters of the serial number will determine it's generation and model. Below is a complete guide representing serial number ranges for each model of Radion, and it's Mobius compatibility.
Serial Number Radion Model Mobius Compatibility
07,17,27,37 XR30wG1 Not Compatible
08,18,28,38 XR30wG2 Not Compatible
09,19,29,39 XR30wG2 Pro Not Compatible
52-54 XR30wG3 Not Compatible
55-57 XR30wG3 Pro Not Compatible
58-60 XR15wG3 Pro Upgradeable
61-63 XR15FW Upgradeable
64-66 XR30wG3 Upgradeable
67-69 XR30wG3 Pro Upgradeable
86-87 XR15wG4 Pro Ready*
89-90 XR30wG4 Ready*
92-93 XR30wG4 Pro Ready*
94-95 XR15FWG4 Ready*
xx5C XR30 G5Pro Ready
xx5D XR30 G5Blue Ready
xx4W XR15 G5Pro Ready
xx4X XR15 G5Blue Ready
xx4Z XR15 G6Pro Ready
xx50 XR15 G6Blue Ready
xx5F XR30 G6Pro Ready
xx5G XR30 G6Blue Ready
G5: Radions determine their model via the 3rd and 4th characters rather than the 1st and 2nd. Additionally, they contain both numbers and letters.
Not Compatible: Devices that are "Not Compatible" cannot be upgraded to Mobius and will continue to be controlled via EcoSmart Live.
Upgradeable: Devices marked as "Upgradeable" can be used on Mobius but will require you to purchase a new Mobius capable RF Module.
Ready: Devices marked as "Ready" are fully Mobius compatible as they stand. You will simply need to perform a "Legacy Device" firmware update via the Mobius app to import them.
Ready*: Devices marked as "Ready*" will need a Mobius compatible RF Module installed if built prior to February 2017. After installing the RF Module, a "Legacy Device" firmware update is needed.