Mobius: EcoTech Device Compatibility Guide
To determine if your product is Mobius compatible, please use one of the four methods below.
Mobius Compatibility Methods:
(1) The fastest way to check your device's manufacturing date (stamped on the retail box or product). Any device manufactured after March 2017 is already Mobius compatible and will only require a legacy device firmware update via the Mobius app.
(2) The most straightforward way to check for compatibility is to open your device and check the color of the RF module.
Green modules are not compatible, black RF modules are compatible. Please note, EcoSmart VorTechs (green motherboard) are not Mobius compatible and will need to be upgraded to QuietDrive (blue motherboard). Mobius compatible RF Modules can be purchased from our online store here
(3) Another direct way to determine if your device is Mobius compatible is via EcoSmart Live. If you have a device controlled via EcoSmart Live, this will be very easy and fast. Sign in to your EcoSmart Live account by going to Then select the 'Devices" tab and the device details or "i" icon next to each device. The images below describe each of the 3 possible device types.
Not Compatible: Devices that are "Not Compatible" cannot be upgraded to Mobius. These devices will need to remain on EcoSmart Live.
Upgradeable: Devices marked as "Upgradeable" can be used on Mobius, but will require a new Mobius capable RF Module.
Ready: Devices marked as "Ready" are fully Mobius compatible as they stand. You will simply need to perform a "Legacy Device" firmware update via the Mobius app to import them.
(4) Finally, you are able to determine if your device is Mobius compatible via the serial number stamped on your device. Check the first 2 digits of your device's serial number, and reference the guide below.
01-39 Not Compatible
40-49 Ready
50-57 Not Compatible
58-72 Upgradeable
73-95 Ready (unless built prior to 02/17, devices prior to 2/17 are Upgradeable)
1x2z Devices containing both letters and numbers are Mobius Ready