Live Demo
We offer a Live Demo feature that allows you to change the individual LEDs without affecting your daily schedule. To use this feature follow the steps below.
- Ensure your Radion is powered on
- Open the Mobius App
- Select the tank you want to control
- Select the blue Play button on the top right corner of the app
- Select "Live Demo"
6. You can now increase and decrease the intensity for each color channel.
7. When you select "Done" it will take you back to the Dashboard page. You will notice a "Live Demo" counter this is the time that is left on the Live Demo. After the time expires the lights will revert back to schedule. If you want it to end before the timer expires you can simply click on the timer and it will put your lights back to schedule.
While the Radion is in the Live Demo you will notice the buttons will turn white. They will revert back to blue once the light returns back to its normal schedule.